Why should you choose powdered tiger milk mushroom?

Why should you choose powdered tiger milk mushroom?

Have you ever wondered why health supplements come in capsules, tablets, liquid, or powder forms? 

Which one is the best and most effective?


  • Pros:
  • Higher concentration of active ingredients can be consumed
  • Ability to mask unpleasant taste
  • Suitable for delivering oil or fat-soluble nutrients
  • Long shelf life


  • Difficult to swallow
  • Not suitable for high doses of active ingredients

Commonly used for: Cod liver oil, Vitamin E, Vitamin D, β-Carotene


  • Pros:
  • High acceptance among people
  • Can be made in any shape and size
  • Contains more ingredients per volume compared to capsules
  • Control over the breakdown rate in the stomach for easy absorption
  • Long shelf life


  • Manufacturing process may affect the stability of ingredients
  • Not suitable for high doses of active ingredients
  • Contains additives like binders

Commonly used for: Vitamin C, B vitamins, Iron, Iodine



  • Faster absorption (though not necessarily higher absorption)
  • Can accommodate large doses of active ingredients
  • Convenient to consume
  • Suitable for people with swallowing difficulties
  • Suitable for those with poor digestion


  • Ingredients may lose stability when dissolved in water
  • Lower concentration of active ingredients
  • Often added with various flavoring, sweetening, and aromatic agents
  • Shorter shelf life due to oxidation

Commonly used for: Protein, Vitamins and minerals, Calcium, Iron


  • Pros:
  • Simpler process retains more active nutrients
  • Can accommodate large doses of active ingredients
  • Not restricted by volume or shape limitations of raw materials
  • High ingredient stability
  • Long shelf life


  • Prone to moisture absorption and clumping
  • May contain flavor enhancers for improved taste
  • Some may have sedimentation

Commonly used for: Protein, Carbohydrates, Fiber, Probiotic nutrient mixtures

Each dosage form has its pros and cons, suitable for different health ingredients. The best supplement form should be determined based on individual needs and the required active ingredients. Additionally, factors such as dosage, active ingredients, presence of other additives, extraction or extraction processes, heavy metal or harmful substance test results, and food certification should also be considered.

To ensure the stability of efficacy, Hoo Hoo™ uses high-efficiency and patented Tiger Milk Mushroom variety TM02.

What is TM02 Tiger Milk Mushroom? What's so great about it?

  • Selected the most potent medicinal species from over 3000 wild Tiger Milk Mushrooms
  • Cultivated using artificial indoor aseptic cultivation techniques
  • The only Tiger Milk Mushroom active ingredient scientifically proven to meet safety, quality, and efficacy standards
  • The only one with international ISO22000, HACCP, GMP, MESTI, Halal, and MyOrganic certifications
  • Obtained national Agricultural Bureau new variety registration patents

TM02's efficacy is proven to be stronger than wild Tiger Milk Mushrooms with unstable quality!

Compared to others, Hoo Hoo™ prefers the powdered dosage form because it:

  • Retains more active nutrients
  • High concentration of active ingredients
  • High ingredient stability
  • Long shelf life

To enhance the eating experience, by adopting high-tech grinding techniques, the powder has an excellent smooth texture. It can be consumed directly without the need for additional water!

[ 4 Major Ingredients]

🌿TM02® Tiger Milk Mushroom

TM02® Tiger Milk Mushroom is a natural remedy for respiratory symptoms such as sinusitis, cough,and cold as well as strengthening the immune system.

Due to its high level of Beta-glucans, TM02® Tiger milk mushroom is scientifically validated to have benefits of anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immunomodulating properties, meaning it could help regulate the immune system.

🌿Antrodia Camphorata

Contains Adenosine, promoting melatonin secretion for improved sleep quality and increased energy metabolism with no side effects.

🌿Peach fruit extract

Includes natural peach extract with Vitamin A, C, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, making it tasty and nutritious for both adults and children.


Improve digestive health, relieve constipation, and immune system support.

It has been proven effective in improving:

  • Sensitive nose
  • Sinus
  • Chronic cough
  • Asthma
  • Bronchitis patients
  • Lung emphysema
  • COPD
  • Respiratory allergies

🌿Boost Your Respiratory Health and Get Hoo Hoo™  Today!


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